Friday 21 October 2011

what an political leader think about the people

hai friends 
i would like tell some of the political issues.Every political leader has been seeing for selfish only.They don't think about the people who  has selected as theirs leader.They will come before the elections and beg for votes as like  the beggars.after they elected in politics they will never back to see the voters.Here the interesting thing is educated people also go like this.way.Here the people are sheep's.So here the Leader is the Hypernyms.So our society is going on the Hypernyms hand.please please all the  people just stay with polite to elect an leader.
who is right person to the society and an educated persons can understand the problems of the society.So before you going for voting an elections just think about it.who is the better to do elect an Leader. 
so all of you just think before you do the voting.what your last elected person done for you. He is right or wrong to select an leader for the society.